Although you have done a lot of hard work to create your online store, things are not turning out the way you expected. You are following all the steps, but the sales are not being generated and you start to think: “my business is not working”. Don’t worry, here we show you how to get ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Do not despair, because all is not lost.
We already know that you have dedicated a lot of effort and enthusiasm to find the product that best meets the needs of your potential customers. You have built a very apparent online store and you have even put some ads to start generating traffic to your ecommerce.
However, something is failing because the sales are not taking place.
Let us handle order fulfillment, so you can focus on building your brand.
We understand that you have enough web traffic, but that your problem is in the conversion rate, since many people come to your online store but nobody buys.
Therefore, we are going to see what may be the main reasons why this happens very frequently.Although it is not necessary to have a completely finished online store to start selling, there are some web design flaws that can ruin the shopping experience of your users.
Let’s see what are those failures that can cause your business not to work:
They look horrible and are often the main reason people mistrust and don't buy from your store. So avoid them at all costs.
Broken links:
When you click on a link to a specific product or section, and the link doesn't work, mistrust takes hold of your potential buyer. And that will make you not dare to buy. So check that all the links are operational.
Photos not loading:
Another disaster for trust, ruining the user experience and preventing sales. Therefore, make sure that all images are displayed correctly.
Poorly chosen colors of your online store:
The color combinations of your ecommerce are more important than you think. Especially since there are tones that promote sales, while others are dynamite for conversion. Study which ones are more in line with your corporate image and how you can take advantage of them to achieve more sales.
Poorly chosen colors of your online store:
Remember that the first thing that captures the attention of your users is the main image or banner that they find as soon as they land on your e-commerce. One of the reasons why your business does not sell is because that image is of poor quality or does not express the correct message.
Unintuitive menu:
The menu is designed for the customer to find what he is looking for. So don't make it any more difficult for him than it already is. Also, remember that the menu must include basic sections such as Returns, Shipping, About Us and Contact Information.
Strategic failures that make my business not sell.
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Do not highlight your strengths:
If you have free shipping, advertise it throughout your online store using banners and prominent messages. After all, it is one of your competitive advantages and in many cases your customers don't even know about it.
You do not place your most profitable products in a preferential place:
Another detail that many ecommerce entrepreneurs forget is to put a selection of products that they are interested in selling on the most accessible site on the web (either because of their higher profit margin or because they are going out of style). We recommend that you place these featured products at the top of the home page or just below the main banner image.
You do not expand your product catalog:
Another quite common strategic failure, which makes your business not work, is having a limited range of products for sale. If a potential buyer does not have a sufficient variety of products, they may give up buying in your store and go to the competition. For this reason, it is convenient that all categories are well stocked with products.
One of the reasons why Shopify is one of the best platforms to create online stores is because of the large number of applications that can improve the functionalities of your ecommerce.
Among them, there are several specifically dedicated to helping you improve your conversions.Applications to create a sense of urgency:
Believe it or not, scarcity and urgency are The two great levers that help generate sales.With an application that generates a sense of urgency, it is possible to achieve more impulse sales.For this you canhave a counter that marks the day an offer ends or a message indicating that there are few units left (or that there are several people interested in the same product at the same time).
Applications to collect emails:
If you don't know what email marketing is, you may not understand the importance of collecting email addresses.
Broadly speaking, we can tell you that email marketing is one of the best ways to generate sales in an online store. Not only by sending discounts and offers by email, but by generating content with a regular newsletter, it is possible to significantly increase the volume of orders.
So install an application in your e-commerce that allows you to collect the addresses of your visitors and start writing to them with some frequency.
Poorly chosen colors of your online store:
The last point of this guide in which we are unraveling with you why my business does not sell focuses on data analytics.
To do this, we are going to focus on the behavior of your users when they arrive at your website.
The good thing is that, regardless of the Shopify plan you choose, you will always have a section of Shopify reports and statistics that will help you a lot when making decisions.

Countries of origin of the traffic:
In this first section you can see from which countries the users who access your virtual store come from. Knowing which are the countries that generate the most traffic, you will be able to better focus your geolocalized advertising campaigns in Facebook Ads for ecommerce. And not only that, since depending on the information you obtain, you may be interested in translating your website into other languages or accepting other currencies.
You do not place your most profitable products in a preferential place:
Here you can see if your visitors enter your e-commerce browsing on their smartphones or from their computers. Depending on the data you collect, you may need to optimize parts of your website to make it more usable on mobile devices.
You do not expand your product catalog:
This information is essential to make sales decisions, since it will tell you how many people visit the store, look at the products and even go to the checkout. Knowing that, you should optimize your store, for example, depending on whether your users only browse the Home page or if they don't click on your products (or only on some).
After all these tips and strategies that we have offered you, now you can do everything in your power to increase the sales of your ecommerce.
Even so, also remember that constant effort and tenacity are essential for your virtual store to achieve success.
Questions asked by those entrepreneurs who do not know what to do when their business does not work:
Applications to create a sense of urgency:
The key is to identify what the problem is and make strategic decisions aimed at tackling the problem.
What can I do to make my business work?
If you have an online store to which enough users arrive, but they do not finish closing orders, you should analyze if you have web design problems that are lowering your conversion rate, if you have strategic problems or if there are Shopify applications that could add functionalities extra.
Poorly chosen colors of your online store:
It is possible that a business does not work due to internal problems, your own commercial structure, or due to external elements (competition, current situation...) that are more difficult to control.
Poorly chosen colors of your online store:
Analyze the causes of problems to find out if they have a solution or not. Once you detect the causes, you can establish a crash plan to start generating sales.